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Cornell Dubilier Electronics Components
  • Cornell Dubilier

  • Full Name : Cornell Dubilier Electronics Components Производитель
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Manufacturer Introduction

CORNELL DUBILIER is a leading manufacturer of capacitors for the power electronics market,

CORNELL DUBILIER has been advancing capacitor technology for new applications for over 100 years & today serves more than 35,000 customers.

Also Known As: BC Components, Mallory NA Caps., Mallory/Cornell Dubilier, Sangamo, SEMCO (Metal Clad Prod Line)

Capacitors: mica,alum/DC electrolytic, film,SMT,pulse,high-freq, motor run/start,high-volt, RF clad mica

Cornell Dubilier specializes in aluminum electrolysis, mica, motor operation, AC and DC film capacitors, and is a leading capacitor manufacturer for power and military electronics, drive welders, UPS and industrial applications. Among its more than 33,000 customers, it includes the world's leading companies in welding machines, uninterruptible power systems, motors, avionics, power systems, motors, avionics, power supplies and medical lasers.

Cornell Dubilier is product portfolio consists of Capacitors, resistors, super capacitors, filters, etc..


Medical Electronics / Instrumentation / Industrial / Automation / Military / Defense / Energy / Survey / Ship / Aerospace

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    Type BBR "BLUE BEAVE," miniature veion s of the SR. arc es p ecially populor fo r cromp ed spa ce in stallation s in te lev ision receive. hearing aids, miniature rad ios cnd other sma...



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